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Пятница 19.04.2024 18:50 ast
16:50 msk

Казахстан занял 76 место в рейтинге процветающих стран
Legatum Prosperity Index – рейтинг стран по уровню привлекательности, составляемый частным институтом Legatum, расположенным в Дубае (ОАЭ). При составлении рейтинга учитываются 9 субрейтингов: уровень экономического развития, личных свобод, качества жизни и другие
28.10.2009 / политика и общество

Лента.Ру, 27 октября

Россия заняла 69 место в рейтинге самых успешных стран мира Legatum Prosperity Index при 104-х странах-участницах. Первое место в рейтинге по сумме параметров занимает Финляндия. Об этом институт Legatum сообщает в официальном пресс-релизе.
На одну строчку выше России находится Турция, а ниже России в рейтинге расположился Эквадор. В рейтинге Россия уступает Украине (61-е место), но обходит Китай (75-е место), Казахстан (76) и Белоруссию (85-е место).
Помимо Финляндии, в первую пятерку рейтинга входит Швейцария (2-е место), Швеция (3-е место), Дания (4-е место) и Норвегия (5-е место). На последних четырех строчках рейтинга расположены Центральноафриканская Республика, Йемен, Судан и Зимбабве.
Австралия, которая еще в мае 2009 года согласно рейтингу Legatum занимала первое место в мире, опустилась на шестую строчку рейтинга. Дело в том, что при составлении новой версии рейтинга сотрудники Legatum учли большее количество параметров. Ранее их было всего два - конкурентоспособность экономики и условия для жизни.
В предыдущей версии рейтинга Россия заняла 57 место.
Legatum Prosperity Index – рейтинг стран по уровню привлекательности, составляемый частным институтом Legatum, расположенным в Дубае (ОАЭ). При составлении рейтинга учитываются 9 субрейтингов: уровень экономического развития, личных свобод, качества жизни и другие. Рейтинг Legatum охватывает страны, в которых проживает 90 процентов населения земного шара.



Economic Fundamentals - Ranked 59th
Kazakhstan’s economy attracts considerable foreign direct investment but is dependent on raw material exports
Kazakhstan’s economy attracts the 16th highest level of foreign direct investment on this variable, equal to 10% of GDP. However, Kazakhstan is one of the 20 nations most dependent upon raw material exports, and also ranks 85th for its export revenues relative to import costs, indicating unfavourable terms of trade. Kazakhstan’s banking sector has a default rate of 2.7%, and the margins between lending and borrowing rates are nearly 5.7 percentage points, which is 71st on this variable. This suggests comparatively weak levels of banking competition and efficiency. The 7% unemployment rate and levels of physical capital per worker were both moderate, while inflation was high at 11% in 2007. Household spending is 24% of GDP, ranking the country 56th on this variable, indicating a relatively small consumer market. In contrast, the domestic savings rate is 42%, one of the 10 highest savings rates.

Entrepreneurship and Innovation - Ranked 62nd
Kazakhstan has a significant high-tech manufacturing sector, but shows low levels of innovation
Entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan is encouraged by the low barriers to entry for new businesses; just seven procedures are required to set up a business. Over 2,500 new businesses were started in the last recorded year, which places Kazakhstan 67th on this variable. The value added in the service sector is small at only 52% of GDP, ranking the country 70th. Kazakhstan’s technological infrastructure is also underdeveloped, ranking the country 65th for internet bandwidth per person, and 75th for the number of secure internet servers per capita. High-tech goods constitute 23% of total exports, the 13th highest proportion on this variable, but there are almost no exports of ICT goods. In addition, there is little domestic innovation of new technologies or patents. R&D spending is only 0.4% of GDP, and royalty receipts from patents and other intellectual property rank the country 73rd on this variable. Data on personal computer ownership are not available.

Democratic Institutions - Ranked 96th
Citizens of Kazakhstan have almost no political freedoms
Kazakhstan is among the 10 least democratic nations on this variable. It has a dominant party system in which the president is elected unopposed. Its citizens have few civil liberties and limited freedom to take part in political processes. Although there is some competition in elections to the legislative branch of government, elections are not transparent or well regulated and the judiciary is subject to political tampering and control. In addition, Kazakhstan’s current political regime has been in power for less than two decades, suggesting political instability.

Education - Ranked 42nd
Despite low investment in education, Kazakhstan creates a relatively skilled workforce
Kazakhstan suffers from low educational investment, with less than $1,000 per pupil in primary and secondary education. However, despite this 90% of eligible children attend primary school and 95% are enrolled in secondary school. Girls enrol in school in nearly equal rates to boys, and primary schools have a ratio of only 17 pupils per teacher, which is among the top 30 nations. The average Kazakhstani worker has 5.7 years of secondary education, ranking the country 16th overall. Kazakhstan is also relatively successful in educating highly skilled workers as 53% of the population attends university, 31st on this variable, and the average worker has 4.1 years of tertiary education, which ranks 51st overall.

Health - Ranked 45th
Despite good availability of medical personnel, Kazakhstanis have relatively poor health and short life expectancies
Kazakhstan’s health infrastructure is strong as the country ranks eighth in world for the number of doctors, nurses, and hospital beds available per capita. In addition, 97% of people have access to adequate sanitation systems. In almost every other variable of health performance, however, Kazakhstan is close to the bottom of the Index. Less than six in 10 people are happy with their water quality, ranking the country 88th overall.* Infant mortality is 27 per 1,000 live births, which ranks the country 71st overall, while a comparatively high 6% of the population is malnourished. Health-adjusted life expectancy is 56 years, ranking the country 81st on this variable. Personal satisfaction with health is, in general, very low, with 24% of people reporting being in pain and only 63% feeling well rested.* In addition, just seven out of 10 people do not experience health problems and are satisfied with their general health, placing Kazakhstan in the bottom fifteen nations for both variables.*

Safety and Security - Ranked 49th
Kazakhstanis suffer from high levels of homicide and state violence, but relatively low assault and theft
Kazakhstan’s most serious challenge to national security stems from the use of political repression and violence by the state against its own citizens; the country ranks 60th for this variable. There are also significant challenges related to the presence of refugees and groups with grievances or a history of discrimination. Human flight from dangerous or degrading conditions is a less severe threat, as Kazakhstan ranks 28th on this variable. There were no deaths from civil war or other internal strife in 2008. Perception of crime is high, with only half of Kazakhstanis confident to walk alone at night, the 77th lowest rate, and homicide rates are among the worst thirty countries with 14 deaths per 100,000 capita.* However, only 11% of people had suffered theft in the last year and only 3% had been assaulted, ranking the country in the top 30 for both variables.*

Governance - Ranked 97th
Kazakhstanis have comparatively few political rights, but have strong confidence in their military
Kazakhstanis have almost no freedom to participate in politics or to choose the officials who govern them. The government scores extremely low across variables of efficiency: it is 79th for the effectiveness of bureaucracy, 83rd for regulation of investment and competition, and 84th for its enforcement of the rule of law. Kazakhstanis’ confidence in their public institutions reflects, this inefficiency, with 86% of people thinking that their government is corrupt and 89% think, local businesses are corrupt.* A higher 46% have faith in their courts, and 49% believe that elections are carried out fairly.* The military is the most popular state institution, supported by a high 81% of Kazakhstanis, the 33rd highest figure on this variable.*

Personal Freedom - Ranked 75th
While Kazakhstanis cannot freely move, worship, or speak they are content with their freedom of personal choice
Kazakhstan’s scores for personal freedom are comparatively low in global terms, with little freedom of movement, religion, and speech. Despite this, 74% of people are happy with their freedom of choice, which ranks the country 50th overall.* Levels of tolerance for outsiders are also above the global average, as 69% of Kazakhstanis believe that their area is a good place for immigrants and 72% believe that ethnic minorities are welcomed.*

Social Capital - Ranked 87th
Despite strong family ties Kazakhstanis are relatively unlikely to help others
Overall, 86% of Kazakhstanis say they have family or friends to rely on in times of need, which ranks the country 56th in the world and suggests that social networks are reasonably strong.* However, figures reflecting frequency of social support are lower, with 21% of people having volunteered their time, 32% of Kazakhstanis having helped a stranger, and 8% having donated money.* The latter two factors ranked Kazakhstan 92nd and 101st on these variables.* Furthermore, religious institutions may also be weak areas for building social capital, as only 44% of people say that religion is important to them, ranking the country 74th on this variable.* Data on the importance of friends, levels of trust, and group memberships are not available for Kazakhstan.*

* Data taken from the Gallup World Poll

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Новости ЦентрАзии
Дни рождения
в Казахстане:
19.04.24 Пятница
75. ЖУКЕЕВ Тулеген
74. КАН Виктор
70. НЕСИПБАЕВ Рахимбек
67. БЕКИШЕВ Хамит
66. БАЙТЕЛЕСОВ Жигиткер
66. КАСЫМБЕКОВ Бактыбай
58. КИЯСБАЕВА Патима
53. ШАТЕКОВ Асет
52. ТУРЛЫХАНОВА Гульмира
50. ГЛУХИХ Дмитрий
20.04.24 Суббота
82. НАБИЕВ Жаугашты
76. МУЖЧИЛЬ Татьяна
74. КЕНЖЕТАЕВ Есенгельды
72. ДАРИНОВ Ауезхан
62. КУРМАНАЛИЕВ Каримбек
55. АШИМБАЕВ Самат
55. ТУРТАЕВ Алмат
54. КУРУМБАЕВ Руслан
52. ШАБЕНОВ Канат
21.04.24 Воскресенье
79. РАИСОВ Толеген
76. ПЛЯЦУК Владимир
75. ХАЛИЛА Абдилак
71. ТОБАЯКОВ Бахытжан
67. БАДАНОВ Мейрам
67. ЖАРКЕНОВ Аскар
67. ШАЛАБАЕВ Сейтжан
62. МУКАТОВ Кажгалей
61. ТОТАЕВ Бауржан
61. ЯБРОВ Владимир
58. АКУЛОВ Григорий
51. ТУРТКАРИН Алимжан

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